Birsan brings her "exquisite" voice to

Welsh National Opera's "Don Giovanni"



"Though one of the great problems of Don Giovanni is that there is so much – musically and psychologically – to eclipse the Don at his own party. Mozart gives some of his most inward and tender music to Donna Elvira and Donna Anna, and the latter’s accompanied recitatives, sung with force and focus by Emily Birsan, were taut and keening."


Get the Chance

"American soprano Emily Birsan playing the part of Donna Anna . . She possesses a pleasing controlled voice and her rendition of the duet with her suitor Ottavio, “Fruggi, crudele fruggi”, (Cruel, why art thou near me?) is sung alternating between pathos when lamenting her dead father, and violence when expressing her need for revenge. Emily Birsan manages to maintain the dignity and elegance of Donna Anna throughout."


the reviews Hub

"Emily Birsan’s soaring soprano is heard to advantage as Anna. . . Birsan’s voice is exquisite and fully deserved the calls of ‘Brava ‘on the opening night." 


Art Scene in Wales

"Making her debut, we had an elegant and vocally scintillating Donna Anna from Emily Birsan" -Art Scene in Wales