When preparing for a role…

1. Always singing snippets under your breath and people ASSUME you’re singing Beatles songs.

2. Lose your phone, wallet and keys at least once. Each. 

3. Best friends with your water bottle. Why am I peeing so much? 

4. Feel like August 1 is tomorrow and also 10 years away. 

5. WHY DOES THIS ROLE PERTAIN PERFECTLY TO ME and MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. not really, but you convince yourself of that.

mindgames stravinsky onemonthout

Emily Birsan
How to sing while jet-lagged, or try

Gah, its the worst to do an audition or performance while jet-lagged. It's best to avoid it all together, but here are some ways I've learned to deal.

1. Do your normal routine no matter where you are - yoga, stretching, amount of time to warm up. If you skip steps, your body will be like “what the heck?”
2. Sleep is huge when your jet lagged. If you have trouble sleeping like me, you need at least two nights good sleep to feel normal. Unisom, theamine, and valerian root work as sleep aids for me. It’s my mind that keeps me awake. 
3. Focus your mind on the task at hand, not your life at home. That will help you adjust to being in a different time zone. 
4. Water water tea water water tea water. FYI It’s okay to drink Berlin tap water, even though people still drink bottled. Don’t over caffeinate, I did that before my Düsseldorf audition because I wanted to sit in the dining car and read- I think I had 3 cappuccinos. Not good, made me feel jittery and ungrounded.


What to bring on a month-plus gig, and what you forgot

1. French press, to-go mug and local coffee
2. Favorite candle with my home’s smell
3. Robe
4. Different kinds of coats, for every kind of weather
5. Grocery tote bags
6. Envelopes for putting receipts in
7. Picture in frame of loved ones

What I SHOULD have brought.
1. Nutribullet (why is it sitting at my house)
2. Olive oil, salt, pepper and basic spices - and whatever condiments I can put in my luggage. 
3. Ziplock bags
4. Paints/canvas (I’m so bored)
5. My pup.. Oh wait… She’s too big for planes. :(

Emily Birsan